For once, the weather forecast promised good weather for the August Bank Holiday weekend, and so it was with some optimism that Dave and Debbie, Ian, Peter, Danny, Claire, Carmen, Simon C (and a special guest appearance from Peter's brother John) travelled to Pembroke.
we woke on Saturday morning, it was raining. That constant fine drizzle
that manages to get inside even the best waterproofs. Climbing was out,
so most of us decided on a cliff-top walk (to check out where the climbing
was, in case it dried out later), leaving Dave and Debbie to go off cycling
The rain seemed likely to stay all day, but somehow it managed to stop and dry out enough for a trip to Saddle Head, one of the few areas with a concentration of easier routes. The rock was lovely rough limestone, a welcome contrast to the rounded grit that we'd become used to on Wednesday evenings throughout the summer.
Sunday, the sun had arrived, and stayed all day. Dave, Debbie, Danny, Carmen
and Simon C went to Bow Shaped Slabs, where we climbed three long routes,
involving a committing abseil descent to the foot of the slab, just a couple
of feet above the sea. Meanwhile, the others climbed some scarier routes
on Crystal Slabs, when we met them later Peter was still looking shell shocked!
Finally we swapped crags, our group doing a route on Crystal Slabs, heroically led by Dave who kindly top-roped the rest of us up.
Monday was also sunny, so some of us returned to Saddle Head, the highlight being an ascent of Sea Mist, a superbly exposed Hard Severe right above the sea. The others opted for some more serious routes at St Govan's head, the highlight being a swim followed by tea and cake!