A new hut for me, more like a house, just by the Rhyd-Ddu Car park. The
weather was typically Welsh and a pint or two in the pub was required
on Friday evening after the usual scramble for beds made more interesting
by the many small dorms.
Sat saw a mass ascent of Sentries Ridge on Craig-y-Bera (Mynydd Mawr) an
excellent day out and long scramble, perfect practice for alpine climbing.
Topping out into the mist and wind, later developing into full on rain,
we summitted and then managed to get separated, but all joined up again
in the valley out of the wind for a pleasant stroll back through the forest.
Some people went for a wee cycle ride, Pete probably fell off into a stream or two.
Dinner was a mammoth affair, Cef shopping for about 40. Post feast and booze, a rather lively games session culminated in a spectacular display of falling over by yours truly - and some probably unjustified criticism of the game in question (Cranium)
Some hangover-fuelled clearing up in the morning and most people headed home via a shopping session in Betwys in the pouring rain.