Wharncliffe Wash out

July 15th, 2009 by rob s
  1. Leave Work at 4:15 pick up car – failed MOT 🙁
  2. Drive home pack – no food – throw together random stuff 🙁
  3. Wait for Peri and Donal drive us to Deepcar – 🙂
  4. Arrive meet Ian basking in sunshine and gear up 🙂
  5. Ian has an interesting time on route and drops rope for me to have a go 🙂
  6. Light rain begins 🙁
  7. Team YorkClimbers Arrive 🙂
  8. Heavy rain arrives 🙁
  9. Heavy rain continues 🙁
  10. Rain stops, rescue gear pack up 🙁
  11. Help Dave (YC) with belay setup and bringing up Carlos 😉
  12. Wander along and find Peri sat atop Hell Gate and Donal about to finish 🙂
  13. meet Guido and Stuart looking for routes to solo 🙂
  14. Black Clouds approaching rapidly 🙁
  15. Run Away to car past jim soling everything in the rain 🙂
  16. lie about location of pub / chav lounge – it's J38 🙂
  17. Everyone finds it apart from S&C (who i guess didnt look 🙂
  18. Home late – never even got my boots on 🙁
  19. Fun evening 🙂

4 Responses to “Wharncliffe Wash out”

  1. Crofty says:

    One of the few times this year we have been let down by the weather. My evening went like this.
    1. Dash home for lift with Guido.
    2. Drive down, weather looking OK (ish).
    3. Arrive at car park (dry).
    4. Walk to crag (light rain).
    5. Decide to solo a couple of Diffs while weather makes its mind up.
    6.Carry on soloing/ sitting in caves between showers.
    7. Chat to Donal and Peri while they do Hell Gate.
    8. Flake rope out for Kirk's lead on Himellswillen and take some pics.
    9. Three more climbs and we all decide to go to the pub.
    10. Hang shoes, chalkbag and guidebook up to dry.

  2. Simon C says:

    1. Ignore threatening clouds and set off down the A1
    2. Ignore several showers on the way and arrive at crag in glorious sunshine.
    3. Gear up at the foot of The Blue Defile (VS 4b). Light rain starts.
    4. Move rope to Groovy (HVD) and climb it in the rain.
    5. Rain stops. Gear up at the foot of Crista's Twin (HD). Heavy rain starts.
    6. Sit in handy cave for 10 minutes. Rain stops.
    7. Climb Crista's Twin.
    8. Climb The Blue Defile. Fantastic route, made the trip worthwhile.
    9. Heavens open when Carmen is 2 feet from the top.
    10. Run away.
    11. Decide not to go to pub, go home instead and book return flights to Santander for £2 each 🙂

    A fantastic evening!

  3. pebbles says:

    1) dash home to change, feed menagerie, round to robs for lift with donal
    2) arrive at crag. find himmelswillen area
    3) stand for several minutes at base of tower face deciding if shower is about to pass over. decide it isnt, but isnt coming to anything either
    4) donal leads Tower face, arrives at top. shower promptly becomes steady drizzle.
    5)slither up slab which is now slab equivalent of greasy pole
    6)stand round disconsolately abandoning plans for himmelswillen.
    7)start up hell gate. fit of giggles en route as crofty recounts story (ask crofty)
    8)bring up donal then flee approaching cloudburst
    9)pass by kirk and skenders who have decided to do himmelswillen anyway, in the pouring rain.
    10) wait at cars for K&S plus carlos and dave, who are also climbing in the rain – is this some new take on Deep Water Soloing?
    10) find pub despite Ian's cunning misdirection
    11)drown sorrows

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