With all this white stuff on the site here is something a little bit different.
We were having a bad day, it had all started of quite promising, a very early start found us at the crag at 9.00 & we did 2 really good routes then it all went pear shaped.
The magic (shuttle) bus keeps the valley free of cars & the noise, pollution & traffic jams they create but for climbers it sucks, it was the root cause of our problems today as after our failure to find Necromancer we decided to take the magic bus and find Bo Jangles at 5.10a allegedly the best straight hand splitter in the valley.
How did that tree get there? sobering.
After some time we found it then we found we had left critical gear back in the car, not a problem if it was parked 100yds away but we had travelled 10 miles on the bloody bus. Both miffed, not feeling chatty we split & arranged to meet back at base. A chance conversation in a photo gallery the previous night had tipped me off where you could find some sensational views so I decided to take a looksy. The path was crowded with tourists for a mile until a waded river crossing leaves the tourists behind. The tortuous path got real narrow until you start to go more or less underground, here lies some stunning scenery.
Ok its getting boring now, time to leave
All to soon I had to leave & get back to the nauseating bus bus like the man says if you visit the valley during the season humour the drivers, smile at the tourists next too you & eat it. Disneyfication is inevitable the shuttle is just the start of it.
Big thanks to the guys in the photo gallery for up cluing me on this little treasure trove.
stunning photos!!!!!
So where is it then? Zion?