YAC - Join Us

Joining YAC is easy and cheap, costing just £25.00 per year (2020 rate). This includes the BMC fee - and is reclaimable if you are already a BMC member. Our year bizarrely runs from November when the AGM is held.



As a club member you are entitled to attend the many trip we run which include
  • Evening trips to local crags (or walls in winter)
  • Day trips, climbing and walking
  • Weekend trips to huts around the country
  • Longer Easter and bank holiday trips to further afield
  • A weeks sun rock trip to the med somewhere around Easter
  • A trip to the Alps, usually for a week or two walking and climbing
  • Occasional longer jaunts (eg a week on Lundy in 2011 and Rjukan 2008)
  • As a member you can bring a guest with you - subject to space availability.


The club has equipment you can use and borrow free of charge including
  • helmets
  • ice axes
  • crampons
  • tents
  • a small library of maps and guides


Email lists keep members in touch and allow people to organise ad-hoc trips and find climbing, walking, biking partners, very common in summer.

We have a Facebook page and also a Facebook group for members.

See our activities pages for more details of what we get up to and our blog to see what we have been doing recenty



Members are entitled to discounts (on production of card) at
  • Red Goat bouldering centre (Thursday evenings)
  • Harrogate Climbing Wall
  • Leeds Climbing Wall - groups of 6
  • RockCity Hull Climbing wall (Club Membership)
  • Local shops
    • Blacks - Clifton Moor
    • Cotswold - Harrogate
    • Trespass - York
    • Up and Running - York

How to Join:

YAC operates a try-before-you-buy policy whereby you come on a couple of meets (evenings or day activities) or a longer trip, and if you like what you see (and you are not an axe wielding psychopath) you pay up and you are in.

You will need to fill in an application from (see below) before coming on the trips so we are covered by the BMC insurance (prospectives). You are entitled to only one longer weekend or week meet as a prospective and will be expected to join up after that if you wish to come on any other trips.

Downloadable Membership Form

Any questions - contact us ...