Richard Payne Meet 2023

March 16th, 2023 by Simon C

As the 3-day Laggan meet grew near, were were treated to the traditional mega-thaw that put paid to any thoughts of winter climbing, and to make matters worse Storm Otto was on its way.

But luckily worst of it came through overnight Thursday, so with a late start and staying away from the highest tops we managed a fine loop over Creag Ruadh, a Graham above the head of Loch Laggan. Breezy on the tops but with plenty of sun, and the showers mostly passed us by.

Return was via the Pictish fort of Dum-da-lamh, making a nice relaxing circuit of just over 7 miles. Well worth doing for a shortish day out.

Some snow was forecast overnight at higher levels, but we weren't expecting to wake up to find snow lying on the ground outside the hut! After a swift adjustment of plans, we headed off en masse to traverse Creag Meagaidh. We started from the SW end of the hill at Moy, having left a car at Aberarder.

Passing a small lochan we tackled Creag na Caillaich direct, possibly unwisely at it was very steep with some loose scrambling – probably better approached via a dogleg to the left. But at least it gave us plenty of excuses to stop and look at the views, clouds swirling around and below us, with blue sky above, and even a fogbow. A long ridge then took us gradually up to the summit, sadly the clouds rolled in just below the top and that was it for views.

But old hard snow and ice on the summit plateau at least gave us an opportunity to use crampons, rather than just carrying them round all day as usual. A steep descent through the Window (where crampons were indispensable) was then followed by a long walk out to the car park. Less than 11 miles but felt a lot more!

The next day was supposed to be mild and wet, and so it proved. So some of us went for a run round the woods where the Wolftrax MTB centre is situated (accidentally running up then down a red bike run – luckily not meeting any cyclists). Jamie took the more sensible option of cycling round the same runs, while everyone else stayed indoors!

All in all another great meet!

Some more photos here

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