Posts Tagged ‘deluge’

Wet Weekend

Monday, June 18th, 2012

This weekend we headed for Holwick, in Teesdale, supposedly for a camping trip. But the weather was so bad that Alan kindly took pity on the few who made the trip, and we ended up sleeping in spare rooms and on various bits of floor in his house opposite. Thanks Alan!

Friday night beer and Saturday morning rain made for late starts all round. Debra still being out of action headed with Simon to knock down various bits of their new project in the Dales. Peter and Donal competed with each other to see who could do most damage to their bikes – it was a draw and both were soon back in Holwick for a walk to High Force. Alan did a short run nearby.

Carmen and I meanwhile went for a slightly longer run to take advantage of the weather to see som3e of the local waterfalls at their best. Gibson's Cave was followed by Low Force and then High Force, before we headed up river to Cauldron Snout. The plan from here was to cross the river and take a more direct line back, but the river had other ideas and was too dangerous to cross.

So we retraced our steps before picking up a track which should have taken us direct to Holwick Scar, but after two knee-deep wades across side "streams" we had to detour a mile u[p the next to find somewhere to cross (I waded crotch-deep, Carmen went another quarter mile and found a bridge!).

On Sunday, Peter and Donal were joined by Annie and went off to push their bikes along some old railway lines, while the rest of us opted for varying degrees of inactivity.

More photos here
and a few videos of waterfalls here